Monday, 9 April 2012

unfinished business...

I thought I would start by showing you where I am up to with the re-covering of those heinous cushions.


I totally underestimated the complexities of covering stars...when you think about the sheer awesomeness of the 'star' it's a wonder I decided to take on this challenge to begin with.

Speaking of complex's not so hard to re-fill a parking meter is it? Neither is it hard to hop online and pay the $12.00 parking fine in the instance that you did forget to re-fill. So when they circle the bit on your ticket that says you get a discount if you pay early (the CHEEK!!), you'd expect to be able to go home that day and jump online to pay it. 

BUT NO!!!! They make you wait for 72 hours by which time they hope you've forgotten about the fine, completely, and end up having to pay a ransom in late penalty fees etc!! But not me, I'm not going to be sucked into their games of 'hurry, but wait'! Infuriating little bastards!

Now, I've been enjoying a little pattern/design/whatever you fancy folk want to call it - I used to call it ZIGZAG but now I call it Chevron (as do others). I'm loving this ^ right now...

 A nod to 'Pinterest' (my lord and savior).
As I sit here gazing sadly at my manicure that looks to have been both inspired and completed by Elmo I think back to a Pin I pinned...(yes, I do love elipses)...

...well, first I would attempt to fix the first A in that ponderous question and then I go about doing Everything.

I put it to you, handsome, clever, and witty reader. What would you attempt?

Keep shining xxx

p.s. Firecracker's arm is doing very well :)

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