Hi blog :) I've been absent. But now I'm back.
I'm not sure for how long or if I can be bothered writing down all that comes to mind (there wouldn't be enough room) but I can tell you what's been happening as of late.
I faced a fear. Some might say it was an irrational fear. I went to the dentist.
Technically it was the pain and swelling that made me go but in the end, I made the decision. It had only been 14 years since my last visit.
3 years ago I married The Rock and on that day my wisdom teeth decided to make announce their arrival. My fiance's aunt said "Ooh, maybe it means something...wisdom teeth appear when you're not sure of something"...yes, with regard to her, I wasn't sure about the words coming out of her intelligent face.
So one of the wisdoms was putting pressure on a tooth that had lost it's filling. I took copious nurofen (big ups to them!!) and the pain went away. Then 2 weeks ago we went to CHCH for a holy reunion of sorts and again the teeth started singing...It's here that I'll go back to the start.
When I was a young teen I was exposed to the biggest house of horrors you could imagine. It's where dentists train to drill, fill and unintentionally strike fear into the heart of man, woman and child. While I was enjoying a moment of anticipation, one of these students was about to stick a teeny needle into my gums...I'm not sure what happened next but the needle was through my cheek and Novocaine was squirting past my eye and onto the floor. The student apologised, my eye, cheek, mouth and one ear was numb so I let her finish the drilling and filling before fleeing the building and never taking a backward glance.
To the present day...and the holy reunion. The Rock and Firecracker are at the First Communion and I'm in Hell expecting the worst and being teased by this young dentist about my fear...in one sitting he pulled out the offending but otherwise beautiful wisdom tooth and performed a route canal procedure on the empty tooth. Apart from the injections, I didn't feel a thing!!! Couldn't believe it...so (having had such a positive experience) when we got back home I made another appointment at the House of Horrors and had another tooth drilled and filled. Just yesterday I met with my new dentist and had X-rays, a bit of a scrape and was told to come back in a couple of weeks to have my temporary fillings replaced to the tune of a mere $1450.00 (ohmygosh!!) but aside from the money I'm looking forward to getting it all sorted.
Yes, each time I go to see the dentist my bowels turn to water and I become slightly pale but when it's all over I feel amazing! Because I did it!! Next up is the orthodontist to help get my bite sorted...I look forward to being able to bite sandwiches again like a normal person :P
Keep shining...and smiling!
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Sunday, 20 May 2012
...it's the stay puft marshmallow man...
Boy am I glad to write to you :) This weekend I have been most productive and have localized said productivity to the kitchen. Again I created the GF cupcakes and divvied them up between my folks and my whanau to some delight but more about the cuppies in a minute...
Firecracker is celebrating her 3rd night in a Big Girl's bed...I haven't had a chance to spruce it up so that's my Summer project...
I have finally finished those star cushions I told you about a while back. I'm NEVER DOING THEM AGAIN!! But here's the finished product...
From this....
Firecracker is celebrating her 3rd night in a Big Girl's bed...I haven't had a chance to spruce it up so that's my Summer project...
I have finally finished those star cushions I told you about a while back. I'm NEVER DOING THEM AGAIN!! But here's the finished product...
From this....
to this... :)
So :) I've decided to wear my running shoes all. the. time. And for good reason. I've turned into a bit of a whale in recent times which is partly related to stopping breastfeeding/learning to bake/complete reduction in physical fitness/daylight savings...okay, maybe not daylight savings as that's really only just started to occur but honestly, I can not make the time!! :( I took up running last year and I was good at it. You've all probably seen this...
I can't take the credit but I sure as hell can identify! So my mission is to get back into it. If you see me running in broad daylight, please don't toot. I'll probably trip and fall into a bush or roll down one of the steep streets in my neighborhood :) This is my new running song and YAY, she's a Kiwi :)
Back to the cuppies...there's one left. And that's the last time I bake them. I have given the recipe to my mother so I have no excuses. Most of my blogging will be about food, but slowly I hope to overwhelm you with fitness info and personal bests. My apologies but my health is totally worth it :)
Keep shining xxx
P.S. I got this fantastic flour sieve for free...to sit on my shelf until I repaint it and never use it for the baking that will soon cease to exist *sigh*
Monday, 14 May 2012
...dreams of planning a time travelers ball...
Hands up if you enjoy that overwhelming urge to put into practice something you've seen online??
I do. I enjoy it very much and frequently :)
There's a place near to where I live, it's called a Castle but is more of a mansion in ruins...think the mansion in Great Expectations (the Gwyneth Paltrow versus Ethan Hawke version) and it overlooks the ocean from high 'atop' a cliff. Frankly it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen but have never been able to get near it.
Fueled by images like these...it's easy to dream about holding an event in such a place :)
I love ghost stories, masquerade balls, dramatic scenes of anything taking on a life of it's own so I think the mesh dresses would look amazing on a croquet lawn matched up with suits and lit with different colors (at night of course)...and the umbrellas!! They remind me of the mops in The Sorcerers Apprentice (Disney). Such a fantastic idea!
Any-who, might do it for my 30th lol :P Who knows?
Friday, 11 May 2012
aahhhh...(chuckles)...good times :)
Where is that moderately sized rock to hide under when you need it?!
Today was one of those glorious days...I'm sure some of you have had them.
You know, the ones where you haven't quite had enough of that delicious, tasty FOOT!! And NO! I'm not talking about fetishes. Although, some people to have fetishes for the blushers that walk among us. Another irrational fear to add to the list.
1. A dialogue...
Handyman: But, this toilet is fully functional...
Me: I know (more hideous smiles) but, it's very ugly and old...I don't think it should be making that tapping noise.
Handyman: I see...
Me: The plumber who was here last, he told me to tell the property manager to get the landlord to replace this toilet...on it's last legs etc...
Handyman: A wee secret then...I'm your landlord.
Me: shite.
So what did I do?
I made him a cuppa tea and acted like nothing had happened.
2. A scenario...
He looks very familiar.
I'm staring. I'm really trying to figure out how I know him and at the exact moment I realize who he is, he stares straight back at us.
"Poor dude" said The Rock, as the man grimly picks up his bike and wheels it to the nearest lamp-post.
I'm blushing and beginning to sweat a little...partly due to (A.) the fact we are completely stationary and I've just been caught blatantly staring at one of the (few...) 'romantic figures from my past', I desperately wanted to drive off; and (B.) because the whole time I was staring I hadn't realized that he'd been unable to lash his bike to the tree due to his lock being too short.
This all happened on the same day...today. Due to be over in 25 minutes.
On the upside, yesterday I successfully made my first batch of Gluten Free cupcakes for Mum and Dad's dinner party.
Also, Firecracker has locked onto Wrong Direction and dances with carefree abandon to all of their Greatest Hits (it'll probably be available by Xmas)...might post a video depending on crap internet provisions.
Keep shining...or in my case blushing and sweating :P
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Sporadic fits!!
I'm a chocoholic.
I don't mean to be but it helps me get through the days. Not that there is anything wrong with my days. I'm am as blessed as any person can be; with husband; with child; with a roof over my head; with education; with the ability to fend for myself etc. The list could go on and on until the break of dawn!! But sometimes I'm brought to my knees by the realities of life. I'm not going to go into details, but I'm thankful for what I have.
This is a sentiment I've developed over the years (although I still take many things for granted...many, many things I'm sure) but I've decided, in conjunction with the Rock that Firecracker would possibly benefit from this kind of sentiment also. We are going to add something to her routine now that she's talking and processing her thoughts out loud. Instead of prayers before bed, we're going to give thanks and think of ways to give back. Just before story time. I'll keep you posted on how it works out. Thanks to a special friend for planting the idea in my head :)
Back to being a chocoholic, I just ate a white chocolate brownie while drinking a hot chocolate. It needed to be admitted and hopefully I'm on the road to recovery. Since I stopped BF-ing Firecracker in December, my weight has shot up...thanks to my love of chocolate and driving instead of walking, it's time to do something about it.
I'm contemplating banishing sweets from the house but that could give Firecracker negative images of food consumption...maybe I could put them in a safe and give The Rock the key...too far? Well, if anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. I've eaten chocolate (in one form or another) almost every day since Firecracker was born (2 years ago) and I'm ready to let go.
Oh, I almost forgot. I have to make a GF Cake for tonight's dinner party with my parents...guess what flavor :s
Saturday, 28 April 2012
grab a cuppa and a packet of timtams...
There's just so much to say! I should probably start at the beginning...
On Friday morning at the crack of dawn our little trio were racing the clock to the airport for a flight (that ended up being delayed) to Wellington. It's much more of an experience traveling with a toddler than a baby!!! Firecracker tried her best though and we made it in one piece :) When we landed the only mission we had was getting the buggy to unfold, I skinned a knuckle for goodness sake!
Wellington was gorgeous, we walked around the city for almost 7 hours and ventured into the lovely Te Papa museum. Soon we were on our way to the Wairarapa for 'a wedding the likes of which this town has never seen' (name that movie and I'll give you a dollar :P ). We arrived at the most beautiful wee B & B called Plum Cottage where we were treated very kindly and Firecracker adored the dog and the fluffy white chickens!
The Bride and Groom looked FABULOUS!!!...and so did the whole bridal party. We took plenty of pictures and I'll add them over the next few posts.
The next day after a picnic lunch we packed up and drove to Wanganui, a beautiful town in the lower North Island. Here we stayed with The Rock's parents and there cute cats...7 in total :) Firecracker was particularly taken with two...a rag-doll named 'Jack' and a Burmese named 'Bella' who was often told to "Come on!" and given plenty of cuddles.
One of my favorite parts of the house is my MIL's sewing room. It's HUGE!! MIL has a degree in Fashion Design so you can imagine the heavenly amount of goods in that room! Sewing machines lined up like icebergs in a sea of fabric and patterns...AWESOME!!! Maybe one day I'll be allowed to play there :)
Our flight home was very nice and gosh we were spoilt!! The only bit I dislike about flying is the landing...how the plane doesn't flip onto it's back, I don't know!!! How handy is it to have family working for Air NZ?!!
pretty handbag!!! |
Now all I have to do is get back into the classes I've missed while we were away...WOOHOO! :P It's always nice to get back to a bit of normality but I'm looking forward to the next celebration...oh, that's right. It's Mother's Day in a week - YAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!! :)
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
The most important news this week is the up and coming wedding of a dear friend and her equally dear fiancee :) Love them to pieces so it's going to be a 'bring your tissues and waterproof mascara' wedding. Firecracker has the honor of playing Flower-girl and I can't wait to see her a dressed up! When the Bride gives the 'ok' I'll put up some of those pics too. Very Excite!!
We've had the Rock's wonderful grandfather come to stay with us this week, it's been an absolute pleasure and on his final night with us he made home made hamburgers :) Legend!! A true historian, he entertained us with stories he's learned of his extended family and about things from the 1st and 2nd World Wars that we didn't know. I managed to get some snaps of him with Firecracker so will post them once I've had the film developed. You don't get to say that very often these day lol!
To add to the festivities I've been trying to write an essay on gender stereotyping. There's a lot of info out there and the word limit is pretty small so I've spent most of my time trying to cut it down. UGH!!
I also received a copy of The Help, I've not seen it yet but have only heard good things so I can't wait to watch it (and last night's Go Girls episode) after I finish my essay lol! And I'm about to reconstruct a silk dress...it's one with long ties at the sides that cross over the bust but the shoulder straps are too skinny so I'm going to sew in the cross over part, cut the excess and use it to make new wide straps. I'll defo post pictures throughout.
The most important news this week is the up and coming wedding of a dear friend and her equally dear fiancee :) Love them to pieces so it's going to be a 'bring your tissues and waterproof mascara' wedding. Firecracker has the honor of playing Flower-girl and I can't wait to see her a dressed up! When the Bride gives the 'ok' I'll put up some of those pics too. Very Excite!!
Better scootch, so much to do and so little time!! :)
Keep shining xxx
Saturday, 14 April 2012
setting a precedent.
I can not recall the last time a piece of music moved me enough to write something.
Normally the inspiration manifests itself into some long-skirt-twirling-in-a-field-of-daisies type of daydream but not this one. Thanks to a courageous and gorgeous friend (you know exactly who you are) I feel a deep sense of nostalgia and reminiscence of a time I almost forgot.
As the song dances above a beautiful montage of black and white film older than my fingerprints but as youthful as my daughter I feel I know where it was recorded...like I was there. The scene, the very end of a high school dance...the DJ is outside having a hand-rolled cigarette...no-one is really dancing anymore but the night has pretty much fulfilled the expectations and excitement.
No-one wants to go home yet but there's not a lot left to do. It's that moment between the last bar of the last song and the shuffle and tired but happy looks friends give each other when they know they've each had a great night.
I hope, friend, that you don't mind me sharing...to all those dances xxx
I can not recall the last time a piece of music moved me enough to write something.
Normally the inspiration manifests itself into some long-skirt-twirling-in-a-field-of-daisies type of daydream but not this one. Thanks to a courageous and gorgeous friend (you know exactly who you are) I feel a deep sense of nostalgia and reminiscence of a time I almost forgot.
As the song dances above a beautiful montage of black and white film older than my fingerprints but as youthful as my daughter I feel I know where it was recorded...like I was there. The scene, the very end of a high school dance...the DJ is outside having a hand-rolled cigarette...no-one is really dancing anymore but the night has pretty much fulfilled the expectations and excitement.
No-one wants to go home yet but there's not a lot left to do. It's that moment between the last bar of the last song and the shuffle and tired but happy looks friends give each other when they know they've each had a great night.
I hope, friend, that you don't mind me sharing...to all those dances xxx
Days gone by...
This cot, a Touchwood, was bought online but 2nd hand. We sanded it, re-stained it and then varnished it with all the love in the world. A brand new mattress, linens etc. It's gorgeous! And now it's going to live in the garage with all her other 'baby' things until we are either a) blessed with #2 or b) decide 1 is enough and sell/donate the lot. Of course, we'll keep some of it in the event (B) is the outcome.
I would love to get her something like this but BOY are they pricey!!!
So I watched a movie last night...Crazy Stupid Love I think it was called. Couldn't remember the title due to Ryan Gosling's ridiculous body!!! Love his lines and the bit where he says 'men won the battle of the sexes when women started pole-dancing for fitness'!!...LMAO! It's actually not that funny but if that man farted in front of me I'd laugh my ass off just to demonstrate my enthusiasm.
Steve Carell was also very good...especially with his velcro-fastened wallet...but that Ryan Gosling, (I have to say his full name because he shares his name with my brother and that's not ok), My sweet Lord!
and so I'm back from outer space...well, not really. I was at my parents place trying Firecracker out in a single bed to see if her sleep would improve...and it did :) So it might be time to say adios to her cot which tears me up.
This cot, a Touchwood, was bought online but 2nd hand. We sanded it, re-stained it and then varnished it with all the love in the world. A brand new mattress, linens etc. It's gorgeous! And now it's going to live in the garage with all her other 'baby' things until we are either a) blessed with #2 or b) decide 1 is enough and sell/donate the lot. Of course, we'll keep some of it in the event (B) is the outcome.
I don't go to the movies, thanks to the EQ's I'm not a huge fan of big, dark spaces crammed with people so instead I'm kicking it old school and joined the local video store :) I've also joined the library. I'm such a grown up :P
Today I completed a major part of my quilt/duvet construction (see pic).
I have sewn the lengths and now I just need to join them together and bind the edges.
The last bit is to sew the whole piece onto the White duvet cover and it's done. I'm also matching it up with the pillow by sewing 2 of the patchwork panels together in a similar style to the duvet. Can't wait to put it on Firecracker's big girl bed :)
One last thing: who remember these?
Keep shining xxx
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
This glorious morning!!!!
After dropping Firecracker off at Preschool I went to the supermarket for cling film...horrible stuff but necessary when you have leftovers but have run out of containers with lids. I came home and ate my pastry...while facebooking and again, a knock at the front door.
What could that be? Only the greatest of Trademe purchases arriving!! A king sized woolen blanket with satin trim in BABY BLUE!! Oh it's beautiful!
Like anything I get from trademe, it's got to go straight into the washing machine (or dry cleaners) but this beauty shall do neither...we are going to the Laundromat! I like going to the laundromat for 1 reason only...FRIENDS!
Such Fun!!
Today's a shorty due to excessive dishes requiring my attention...so I'll leave you with this :)
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Heaven...Hell...and a Pie Maker?
It's true!! This morning after I dropped Firecracker off at preschool I had to pick up a few things...so I popped into a sewing shop.
![]() |
(getting ready for preschool) |
They didn't have one of the items on my list so the lady at the counter sent me to the dollar store across the road.
Happy Coins. Or as I prefer to call it, Hell.
While I was trying not to get myself killed by tripping on a feather boa or being crushed by a rotating rack of freaky eye ware, a raucous group of girls came in. The man behind the till looked worried and he should have been. Within minutes I heard them decide what they were going to steal from him and whether or not they should report him to Fair Go. What the heck!!!?
I let him in on their loud wee secrets and got the hell out. Yikes!
Last night I sold a pie-maker on 'Trademe' and today I was expecting the lovely winner to come and pick it up.
About half an hour ago, I hear a gentle knock on my door and with said Pie-maker firmly clasped to my chest (it's quite large, see...the pie maker!) I open the door...to a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses!!
They clasped bibles. I clasped a pie-maker. (we clearly had a different set of priorities)
I have nothing against Jehovah's Witnesses or the fact that my soul was damned until I met them...it just struck me that of the 3 of us standing at the door, I all of a sudden felt like the odd one out. With my pie-maker.
Never mind them, after I told them being saved wasn't for me, the real winners turned up to collect their shiny, white prize. My Lord, if it wasn't ZZ Top or his good mate Noah (as in excellent maker of large boats) in a car full of animals (two bichons and a lamb)!!
This is turning out to be a day of biblical proportions.
Keep shining xxx
Monday, 9 April 2012
unfinished business...
I thought I would start by showing you where I am up to with the re-covering of those heinous cushions.
I totally underestimated the complexities of covering stars...when you think about the sheer awesomeness of the 'star' it's a wonder I decided to take on this challenge to begin with.
Now, I've been enjoying a little pattern/design/whatever you fancy folk want to call it - I used to call it ZIGZAG but now I call it Chevron (as do others). I'm loving this ^ right now...

As I sit here gazing sadly at my manicure that looks to have been both inspired and completed by Elmo I think back to a Pin I pinned...(yes, I do love elipses)...
...well, first I would attempt to fix the first A in that ponderous question and then I go about doing Everything.
I put it to you, handsome, clever, and witty reader. What would you attempt?
Keep shining xxx
Sunday, 8 April 2012
I almost didn't make it!
Once Pinterest has you in it's delightful grasp, it's so hard to tear away.
Okay, so...today has been interesting. As most of you will know, it's Easter Sunday.
We started our day not with Church, but with a widdle twip to ER. Firecracker had a suspected dislocated elbow (I didn't know it was possible but it is according to the good Doc that fixed her up). Note to selves, never swing (harmless-ly, gently or otherwise) a child by the arms. Poor poppet :(
Once we got home, she was right as rain so we got onto the important things like hiding her Easter eggs all over the house and drawing a picto-map for her to follow. I made the mistake of drawing her cot (where an egg was taking refuge) which immediately confused her into thinking I wanted her to go to bed and she packed a sad straight away. I've never had so much trouble trying to entice a child into finding secret chocolate.
...that sounds really bad, I honestly don't go around trying to ENTICE children into eating stashes of 'secret chocolate'.
Anyway, we got into it eventually and soon there was chocolate everywhere. Firecracker loved it!
At the moment I'm recovering some hideous star-shaped cushions.
Aren't they ugly?! ('not as ugly as the carpet' you say?) What was I thinking when I bought them? Not a clue! As for the carpet, take it up with my landlord.
So I thought it would be nice to cover them with a lovely nautical stripe and make them a bit less offensive. I'm not done yet but WHAT A GIANT PAIN IN THE ASS!! Stars are not very easy (just my opinion) to cover due to number of corners/points etc but hopefully they will be handsome and special when I'm done. Will post an after pic (if I don't lose the plot before I finish lol!)
And finally, don't you hate it when your carrots go bendy??
I do, so I decided to use them all up and made vast quantities of mini carrot cakes :) I used up most (not all, there's still some for emergencies) of the cream cheese icing I had in the freezer and the walnuts add just a touch of class.
I'll probably give most of them away as I can't justify my family of 3 eating 26 cupcakes!! I've put some in the freezer but the rest will need to be re-homed.
Perhaps if you leave a comment you might be the lucky recipient :P
Off to bed, keep shining xxx
I almost didn't make it!
Once Pinterest has you in it's delightful grasp, it's so hard to tear away.
Okay, so...today has been interesting. As most of you will know, it's Easter Sunday.
We started our day not with Church, but with a widdle twip to ER. Firecracker had a suspected dislocated elbow (I didn't know it was possible but it is according to the good Doc that fixed her up). Note to selves, never swing (harmless-ly, gently or otherwise) a child by the arms. Poor poppet :(
Once we got home, she was right as rain so we got onto the important things like hiding her Easter eggs all over the house and drawing a picto-map for her to follow. I made the mistake of drawing her cot (where an egg was taking refuge) which immediately confused her into thinking I wanted her to go to bed and she packed a sad straight away. I've never had so much trouble trying to entice a child into finding secret chocolate.
...that sounds really bad, I honestly don't go around trying to ENTICE children into eating stashes of 'secret chocolate'.
Anyway, we got into it eventually and soon there was chocolate everywhere. Firecracker loved it!
At the moment I'm recovering some hideous star-shaped cushions.
Aren't they ugly?! ('not as ugly as the carpet' you say?) What was I thinking when I bought them? Not a clue! As for the carpet, take it up with my landlord.
So I thought it would be nice to cover them with a lovely nautical stripe and make them a bit less offensive. I'm not done yet but WHAT A GIANT PAIN IN THE ASS!! Stars are not very easy (just my opinion) to cover due to number of corners/points etc but hopefully they will be handsome and special when I'm done. Will post an after pic (if I don't lose the plot before I finish lol!)
And finally, don't you hate it when your carrots go bendy??
I do, so I decided to use them all up and made vast quantities of mini carrot cakes :) I used up most (not all, there's still some for emergencies) of the cream cheese icing I had in the freezer and the walnuts add just a touch of class.
I'll probably give most of them away as I can't justify my family of 3 eating 26 cupcakes!! I've put some in the freezer but the rest will need to be re-homed.
Perhaps if you leave a comment you might be the lucky recipient :P
Off to bed, keep shining xxx
Friday, 6 April 2012
...about cow-hide that makes me weak at the knees?
I love cows, in fact cows are my favourite animal for a number of reasons:
A vintage, pale pink envelope purse. Isn't she a beauty. But not nearly as gorgeous as the bovine goddess she originated from I bet. However, it is my mission to acquire her in all her stitched, lined and zippered glory :)
This morning I held a brunch/reunion (a brunchion, if you will) with some of the best girls in the biz. As we were looking back through photos of ourselves it occurred to me that we are still the same. Life is different, never in a million years would I have wanted the above piece of heaven. In fact, I probably would have hidden it in the back of my wardrobe. Things certainly have changed. But I'm still me.
Now instead of eating all the cakes, I (also) make them...I don't just pop stitches, I sew them...I no longer hide from the horrifying images of myself from my pubescent years (what a gross word).
I embrace them and tell that chunky, anti-stereotypical, naive girl from middle class suburbia...'YOU WILL LIKE HANDBAGS, YOU WILL LIKE BAKING, YOU WILL STAND AT THE KITCHEN SINK AND WEAR AN APRON...AND YOU WILL LOVE IT!!' (stands and applauds to no-one in particular)...
Because, it's true, I do love it :)
Keep shining xxx
...about cow-hide that makes me weak at the knees?
I love cows, in fact cows are my favourite animal for a number of reasons:
- their poo is good for the garden and keeps your feet warm
- their noses are wet and smell like freshly mown grass
- they taste delicious
- they have a clever digestive system
- have you ever seen an ugly cow? (don't answer that)
- their eyelashes alone...but the final reason, at this very moment, is because of this...
A vintage, pale pink envelope purse. Isn't she a beauty. But not nearly as gorgeous as the bovine goddess she originated from I bet. However, it is my mission to acquire her in all her stitched, lined and zippered glory :)
This morning I held a brunch/reunion (a brunchion, if you will) with some of the best girls in the biz. As we were looking back through photos of ourselves it occurred to me that we are still the same. Life is different, never in a million years would I have wanted the above piece of heaven. In fact, I probably would have hidden it in the back of my wardrobe. Things certainly have changed. But I'm still me.
Now instead of eating all the cakes, I (also) make them...I don't just pop stitches, I sew them...I no longer hide from the horrifying images of myself from my pubescent years (what a gross word).
I embrace them and tell that chunky, anti-stereotypical, naive girl from middle class suburbia...'YOU WILL LIKE HANDBAGS, YOU WILL LIKE BAKING, YOU WILL STAND AT THE KITCHEN SINK AND WEAR AN APRON...AND YOU WILL LOVE IT!!' (stands and applauds to no-one in particular)...
Because, it's true, I do love it :)
Keep shining xxx
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Good evening, tonight I am learning how to plait my hair...properly.
It's okay, ever since Pickalily de-sensitized my scalp as a child via this fabulous weaving trend, I've decided to give it a proper go. If I do it properly, hopefully I'll exude Greek goddess 'allure' (new word, thanks Miranda) and not end up bouncing about like a Sumo wrestler. With all due respect, what's the intricate hair really all about? People might pay to see me wearing one of Firecracker's nappies and slapping people about with powdered chalk though. Just sayin'. I'm not going to post a pic or a link about that :P
I've learned there are many types of braids, my favorite is the reverse braid...instead of braiding inward, you do the opposite. A close second is the fishtail braid which looks like I would need at least 6 more arms to create. The worst bit is that with arms like mine (adorable, bingo wings) they do get awfully tired from plaiting. Perhaps I could get The Rock to help...bless him, he's fallen asleep on the couch snoring gently like a baby Tyrannosaur :)
Well, had a lovely coffee date with friend, Mik, I was telling you about, far out life may change but we do not lol! Can't wait to catch up with her again.
Baking in the morning for my girlies, can't decided between Ginger Crunch or mini carrot cake cupcakes...hmmm...Good night and keep shining xxx
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
...just before nuneyes
Yesterday was also a great day do those special Mummy things. I made Lucy's first Easter basket and filled it with eggs. Not a lot, just 3. But the basket...awww it's lined with pink tissue and has fuschia ribbon around the handle. I can't wait to do the hunt with her to find it!
I'm also going to explore the deep, mysterious depths of LIQUID EYELINER!! In my defense, until 'the sleepless nights' drastically reduced my formers eyes to 'you've got bags worse than Bill Clintons'...I never needed it. But now...Shivers!! SO, if you see me walking down the street (did ya sing it?) and you think "Hmm. She's bearing a striking resemblance to either Boy George or Julian Clary"...don't say a bloody word.
Last but not least, tomorrow I have a brunch date with my girl, Mik (pseudo)...can't wait. It's only been...hmm...10 years since we last boob-clasped. We're still as mad as a bag of snakes!
Keep shining xxx
Today's test was astonishing. I've never actually giggled in a test before. I was so amused by my lack of understanding that I accidentally squeaked. Needless to say, I didn't stay for the whole duration but I made as good a fist of it as I could. No-one said 3rd year was going be easy...and if they had, they'd be in SO much trouble :P
Trademe does it again!! Yesterday I became the proud owner of my very first sewing machine...a Bernette who shall be called Bernadette :) Here's to a life of happiness and craftiness! Thanks MUM for the direction xx
Yesterday was also a great day do those special Mummy things. I made Lucy's first Easter basket and filled it with eggs. Not a lot, just 3. But the basket...awww it's lined with pink tissue and has fuschia ribbon around the handle. I can't wait to do the hunt with her to find it!
I'm also going to explore the deep, mysterious depths of LIQUID EYELINER!! In my defense, until 'the sleepless nights' drastically reduced my formers eyes to 'you've got bags worse than Bill Clintons'...I never needed it. But now...Shivers!! SO, if you see me walking down the street (did ya sing it?) and you think "Hmm. She's bearing a striking resemblance to either Boy George or Julian Clary"...don't say a bloody word.
Last but not least, tomorrow I have a brunch date with my girl, Mik (pseudo)...can't wait. It's only been...hmm...10 years since we last boob-clasped. We're still as mad as a bag of snakes!
Keep shining xxx
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
so this morning after dropping off Firecracker to preschool (she's so good at it btw, gives me a kiss and practically tells me to bugger off) I went and picked up my photos.
The Rock being his usual, gorgeous, photogenic self!
Firecracker under a window...
I quite like the last one ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ taken at the local botanic gardens.
Thankfully the gents at the camera shop promise to help me understand the 30 year old camera I'm using :)
If you have a camera lying around, it only cost $10 for a film. I dare you to take some pics and share them, it's nice not being able to edit very much, they have true authenticity.
Better run, have that test today (can you get a feel for my excitement?) so better try and learn something new to WOW my lecturer :P
Keep shining xxx
so this morning after dropping off Firecracker to preschool (she's so good at it btw, gives me a kiss and practically tells me to bugger off) I went and picked up my photos.
Now, this is the roll of film I was talking about...it came out how I expected, lots of orange and shadows but
there are a few wee gems :) I haven't used film since the introduction
of digital cameras and as I'm not a photographer, I have no skills...

I quite like the last one ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ taken at the local botanic gardens.
Thankfully the gents at the camera shop promise to help me understand the 30 year old camera I'm using :)
If you have a camera lying around, it only cost $10 for a film. I dare you to take some pics and share them, it's nice not being able to edit very much, they have true authenticity.
Better run, have that test today (can you get a feel for my excitement?) so better try and learn something new to WOW my lecturer :P
Keep shining xxx
So much to do!!!
Today's blog is about the things in my mind. Not limited to the frustrations I endure thanks to my printer/scanner!! Grrr...in colour for the love of....!!
Favourite thing to say: Slotted spoon. It sounds a bit like an insult but is totally fine :)
I changed my duvet/doona cover today purely because the one already in place brought my mood down...way down. I've been having some weird dreams lately, some of them star a certain World Cup Winning Teams Captain...innocently, but worthy of a mention.
I have a list of things to do, most are crafty things...shall I share? You know I will!
1. Fix a dress
2. Hem lounge pants...that's right, I have LOUNGE pants :P
3. Finish a patchwork quilt my MUM and I started possibly 20 years ago...
4. Find castor wheels for my sewing table...I like to follow the sun around the house.
5. Papier mache an assortment of large letters for Firecrackers wall, and finish mache-ing her hot air balloons
6. De-fur our new (2nd hand and totes free) lounge suite.
7. Pic up my photos that I shot on an ACTUAL roll of film!! So excited!
8. Make a tall chalkboard menu board for our kitchen.
9. Buy/make a dress for my good friend's wedding...how hard is it to find this...
On my mission to find the perfect dress to compliment the wedding of the year (less than a month away), and firecracker who has a vital role as FLOWER-GIRL, I hotfooted with MUM to the 'id' fashion sale. Here I purchased amazing fabric to cover my star cushions, I acquired a new silk cardigan but no dress!!
While there are more important things to accomplish in life (tomorrow's test worth 30% being one of these), finding a dress to fit my latest and not so greatest figure would take the stress points down.
Wish me luck and keep shining xx
Today's blog is about the things in my mind. Not limited to the frustrations I endure thanks to my printer/scanner!! Grrr...in colour for the love of....!!
Favourite thing to say: Slotted spoon. It sounds a bit like an insult but is totally fine :)
I changed my duvet/doona cover today purely because the one already in place brought my mood down...way down. I've been having some weird dreams lately, some of them star a certain World Cup Winning Teams Captain...innocently, but worthy of a mention.
I have a list of things to do, most are crafty things...shall I share? You know I will!
1. Fix a dress
2. Hem lounge pants...that's right, I have LOUNGE pants :P
3. Finish a patchwork quilt my MUM and I started possibly 20 years ago...
4. Find castor wheels for my sewing table...I like to follow the sun around the house.
5. Papier mache an assortment of large letters for Firecrackers wall, and finish mache-ing her hot air balloons
6. De-fur our new (2nd hand and totes free) lounge suite.
7. Pic up my photos that I shot on an ACTUAL roll of film!! So excited!
8. Make a tall chalkboard menu board for our kitchen.
9. Buy/make a dress for my good friend's wedding...how hard is it to find this...
On my mission to find the perfect dress to compliment the wedding of the year (less than a month away), and firecracker who has a vital role as FLOWER-GIRL, I hotfooted with MUM to the 'id' fashion sale. Here I purchased amazing fabric to cover my star cushions, I acquired a new silk cardigan but no dress!!
While there are more important things to accomplish in life (tomorrow's test worth 30% being one of these), finding a dress to fit my latest and not so greatest figure would take the stress points down.
Wish me luck and keep shining xx
Monday, 2 April 2012
So a friend asked me: why is it called 'one lightbulb at a time?'...while I am environmentally conscious, this isn't the reason. It's much (insert serious music) deeper!! I'm full of ideas, most of them impractical but when I come up with one that works, even if it's only a smidge, then I'll probably want to blab all about it! And that's what this blog is for.
It's entirely for the blabbing.
For instance, once upon a time, someone told me I should write a book. A BOOK!!!!
So, I started writing one. It was awful! Truly awful. Possibly the most hideous, discouraging, far fetched string of sentences, verbs, nouns and adjectives anyone has put together. It was full of swear words...apparently there are better ways of grabbing a readers attention than by verbally assaulting their eyes. Not only was it feral, it was a romance 'story'. It contained love...the kind of love any person would want. Esp the kind of love a lonely, sixteen year old who was never understood, (you're thinking it's about me - I assure you, it's sooooo not!), wants to find in their soul-mate except this story was about a 20-something year old in love with a breathtaking man-child called Ardyn. I wrote about rain at night, inner monologues, streetlamps, throwing keys across dark rooms, falling over because of impractical shoes in front of said man-child...I know, it's horrendous and cliche. I also think it's beautiful but the world will never see it.
Apart from you. Because I just drew you an illustration :P
Now you know how important it is for me to only share the really good ideas...the lightbulbs.
Keep Shining xx
Sunday, 1 April 2012
...like the first day of school!!
I should be cleaning the highlighter pen that 'someone's' toddler has left on my windows but instead I've started THIS! :-)
If you're reading this then you've been misguided by either a villain or a good friend of mine (tell me who sent you - they might receive some baked goods). So, welcome to my blog...look out for all the fun, the baking, the sewing and craft-making and the excellent spelling (lol). I love to be corrected as much as the next 'outstanding' spell...er?
My first pics, to brighten the already beautiful morning it is here in my part of NZ, is of my daughter's 1st Birthday cake. Her 2nd birthday is coming up (no idea how I'll trump the last) but it's something I'm still quite proud of!
Keep shining!
If you're reading this then you've been misguided by either a villain or a good friend of mine (tell me who sent you - they might receive some baked goods). So, welcome to my blog...look out for all the fun, the baking, the sewing and craft-making and the excellent spelling (lol). I love to be corrected as much as the next 'outstanding' spell...er?
My first pics, to brighten the already beautiful morning it is here in my part of NZ, is of my daughter's 1st Birthday cake. Her 2nd birthday is coming up (no idea how I'll trump the last) but it's something I'm still quite proud of!
Keep shining!
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